Name; Morgan / Class; Fiend / Subclass; Succubus / Race; Infernal Residence; The Abyss / Occupation; Essence Collection (Former), Librarian

All Fiends, as some of the strongest among Infernals, are given specified duties once they reach a certain age and grow into their subclass. Some become warriors, others spies, or even contractors between Warlocks and their Archdevil patrons. Succubi and Incubi are a class of Fiend best suited to the gathering of life essence from mortals, both to feed themselves and to bring it back for whatever purposes their masters may have of it. However, rarely, any Infernal creature can be born.. defective. If they do not absorb nutrients during their youth stages (primal or arcane energies, life essence, so on), their powers will not fully develop into adulthood, and they will likely become shunned by their peers. Because of her intense social anxiety, innocent nature, and general fear of mortals, Morgan's growth was stunted as she failed to collect adequate life force as a Succubus, and was instead made a librarian within one of the many Archives in the Abyss.

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